What is PPM-Permit?
PPM Permit is our online permit solution enabling you to manage parking permits virtually. It’s a free, simple to use portal, created to give you full control over your sites permit requirements. The PPM Permit portal has been designed to help you manage all of your permit needs in realtime. PPM Permit gives you the flexibility and freedom to add and manage parking permits when required for permanent vehicles, visitors and contractors. With PPM Permit the need for physical permits is often removed and our portal can be accessed using either a computer, tablet or smartphone. This flexibility ensures that vehicles can be validated through the automated process at any time, wherever you are. Within a few easy steps you have peace of mind parking protection, made simple, made effective and totally bespoke to your site’s requirements.
PPM Portal


Ocean House, 12th Floor, The Ring, Bracknell, Berks, RG12 1AX